Help!! Help!!

Help!! Help!!

Help!! Help!!

I’m stranded on a rock in the middle of nowhere.

I’m surrounded by demented apes.

They are pretending to be sane.

They act as if they are my friends

But they are busy wrecking the joint.

They spend their time inventing new ways of killing each other.

They steal, rob and lie

But pretend they are being moral.

The powerful ones steal everything from the weaker ones

Then tell them that they are really working for them!

The insane thing is:

The weaker apes really believe this!

They actually encourage and support the wealthy exploiters!

They are all mad.

Superficially it appears orderly and operational

But scratch the surface and it’s a seething mess of abuse.

Help! Help!

Get me out of here!!

Opher – 12.8.2022

The very existence of human beings proves beyond doubt that there is no god.

Having evolved on an incredible planet we have set about changing it into a living nightmare.

Instead of sharing and cooperation we work on greed and avarice.

The lust for power rules everything.

We’ve invented war, gods and torture machines all in the pursuit of power.

The powerful exploit the weaker and we vote them into power.

We are intelligently stupid. We allow ourselves to be controlled, lied to and deceived.

We are so gullible, so prone to believing conspiracy and propaganda that we actually believe that members of the elite, like Trump, Johnson, Orban, Modi, Erdogan and Bolsonaro, actually care about us and want to make our lives better. We believe that even when we plainly see that they are robbing us blind.

This planet is utterly insane!

I feel like I am a lonely sane person in the midst of a baying mob of vicious lunatics.

Please rescue me!

Poetry – Body Bags

Body Bags

Hundreds of body bags loaded onto planes;

                Billions of roubles explode;

Thousands of families tear apart their brains;

Psychotic masters unload.

Greed and power distort their world view

                As paranoia bites deep.

The dead are just numbers

                It won’t disturb their sleep.

Two million years of evolution

                And still we’re insane.

Five thousand years of civilisation

                Blown down the drain.

They sit inside their war room

                Plotting their games.

Throwing everlasting gloom

                As they stake their claims.

These are the madmen

                That we place in power –

Psychotic sad men

                Who turn the whole world sour!

As the body bags pile up

                We never seem to learn.

Sipping from the devil’s cup

                We watch the world burn.

Opher – 26.2.2022

It’s our own fault. We support this warmongering system. We place these narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths in place. We demand action. We like ‘strong men’. We see things in black and white. We always think it is good to be strong.

We have a love of fascism.

We elect he likes of Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin and Johnson.

We like violence.

It’s time we really became civilised and stopped being primitive apes. It’s time we elected sane people!!

Poetry – Build Them Up

Build Them Up

Build them up

                Knock them down

Village, city

                House and town

Human beings

                Primitive apes

Psychotic minds

                No escapes

Huge expense

                Complete waste

Madness reigns

                Dangers faced

Shells fired

                Bombs dropped

Bullets fly

                Insults swapped

Lies spoken

                Power struggle

Lives lost

                Families broken

Build them up

                Knock them down

Village, city

                House and town

Opher 22.2.2022

There is a major flaw in human nature. We are forever at war. We always think it’s the easy solution. We have to assert ourselves violently.

We elect belligerent leaders.

We like inflicting pain.

We think violence is alright.

Periodically we destroy each other and ourselves.

Just think what a world we could build if all the money spent on this endless war machine was spent on education and eradicating poverty. Just think.

This is madness.

There is no excuse.

This is really madness.

We build things up and we destroy them.

We terrify each other and traumatise generations.

There can be no excuse.

It is madness.

Tories in throes of Trumpist insanity!! The Loonies are in charge!!

The Tory Party has always had some extreme nutjobs but now it’s the screwballs who are running the show. Some of them are so loony they make Trump look almost normal!!

One wonders why they didn’t join the Monster Raving Loony Party!!