The First Victim of War

The First Victim of War

We’re listening to the news

                To find what we have in store.

Always a sanitised version;

                Truth is the first victim of war.

We’re told the casualty numbers

                So that we can keep the score.

We know that we can’t trust them;

                Truth is the first victim of war.

The rich are making more money

                Sanctions only hit the poor.

This is carefully hidden up;

                Truth is the first victim of war.

The sight of those broken victims

                Touches us to the core

But how much is propaganda?

                Truth is the first victim of war.

Opher – 15.3.2022

We know we’re being manipulated but that doesn’t help much. You merely select the lies you prefer to believe.

The mainstream media has its agenda and that online shit is probably worse. Our cynicism is preyed on as conspiracy is mixed with fact.

Populist leaders lie through their teeth all the way to the bank.

Wealthy individuals buy the politicians and policies they want.

When there’s a war there is propaganda.

Better the devil you know.

I hope we won’t be fooled again.