Change – a poem





That’s all it needs:

One slow revolution.


To replace

The greedy

With the caring.


To replace

The destroyers

With the builders.


To replace

The selfish

With the altruistic.


They are the minority

We are the many.

They are stronger

But we are many.

They have the power

But we are many.


Bit by bit,

Person by person,

We can replace them

And create something better.




Opher – 2.5.2019



If only we could find the right people who are not motivated by a lust for power, who really care about us, who really care about the world.

I know they are out there.

They wouldn’t put themselves first.

They would not allow themselves to be bought and sold, frightened or warned off.

They would do what is right.

The wealthy would not control them.

Then the world could be a better place – not just run for profit.

Change – a poem



Walking on the soil. Breathing the air.

Dreaming the dreams.

Thinking the thoughts.

Watching the horrors.

Seeing the slaughter.

Hearing the screams.

Wishing for change.


Eating the food. Driving the cars.

Living the life.

Loving the life.

Shooting the children.

Chopping the trees.

Slaughtering the creatures

Not caring to change.


Opher 28.10.2018



It seems to me that there are many of us who see what’s going on, don’t like it and want things to change. There are many who are quite comfortable in their lives and are prepared to ignore the environmental devastation, war, poverty and exploitation just as long as their lives are fine.

The real problem is how to change it! You don’t get anything done by wishing.