Sci-Fi is great. It gives freedom to the imagination without limit or restriction. Apart from Tolkein I think Fantasy has killed off most good Sci-Fi. I like my Sci-Fi to be based in science and the world of possibility. 2001 A Space Odyssey still is my favourite Sci-Fi film. I am sceptical about the whole Star Wars, Star-Trek and other epics though I enjoy them. I like my Sci-Fi to have a good intelligent story line and thought provoking content like Blade Runner and Soylent Green. My favourite Sci-Fi authors include:

Iain M Banks, Kurt Vonnegut Jnr, Robert Sheckley, Arthur C Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Philip K Dick, Clifford Simak, Robert Heinlein, Larry Niven, Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Bob Shaw, Edmund Cooper, John Brunner, and John Wyndham. I also love the humour of Terry Pratchett and Grant Naylor.

I spent an evening with Philip K Dick and was in awe. I could hardly speak. He told me that the cleverest thing he had written was about a duel between a man with a gun and a telekinetic man. The gunslinger drew and discovered he was holding his own pancreas. I don’t know what book that came from. I don’t remember reading it anywhere and as everyone knows I’ve got a lot of Dicks.

These are the Sci-Fi books I have written so far:


  • Reality Dreams & Pornographic Syndromes
  • Destination self
  • Hallucination
  • Nosedive
  • Green
  • Intergalactic Rockstar – Star turn
  • Ebola

If you want to know more about these I have put a page about each under books in the Sci-Fi section along with an extract. Please feel free to check them out!


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