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Another Tory Election Gimmick!!


Rather than sort out a sensible policy they want to splash out £3,900,000 of our money on a gimmick!

They think that pandering to racists, xenophobes and Brexiteers will gain them votes.

They know that the scheme, apart from being horrendously expensive, won’t work. But they don’t care about that. It’s a gimmick. It’s aimed at winning votes from the sick and uncaring.

Legal immigration has gone through the roof and they are focussing on the tiny rump of illegals. It would help if they got a grip on the whole picture!!

There are far better ways of dealing with immigration:

a. Have a sensible immigration policy meeting the needs of the country – allow in the skills needed to replace the skilled EU workers we drove out!

b. Work with our EU neighbours to catch the evil gangs.

c. Process the immigrants and deport the ones with no case back to their country of origin.

d. Work out a sensible policy with our EU partners!!

e. Stop the racist, xenophobic ultra-right ERG from dictating their draconian, ineffective and costly policies! They have cost us hundreds of billions already!!

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