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Controversial responses to my friend Neil Lock. Bottom up versus top down and democracy.


Neil and I share some of the same opinions but have very opposing solutions to many of today’s problems. He puts up long rants and I attempt to reply.

Bottom up versus top down and democracy.

I used to believe in people, the basic good in all of us, the idealism of youth. I no longer do, at least to the same extent. Trump and Brexit have dented that. People still vote for fascists.

To weigh things up and produce rational argument based on logic and science requires intelligence and knowledge of science outside the scope of most people. This is clearly seen with the insane support of psychopathic individuals like trump in the USA and the working class support of Farage and Johnson over here. Why they think these greedy, narcissistic, lying, self-interested millionaires have their interests at heart is beyond me.

The barrage of fake news and propaganda has clearly demonstrated how easy it is to manipulate stupid people.

My major concern is that the average IQ of a person in the UK is 100. Fifty percent have an IQ below 100. The average knowledge of science and ability to reason with knowledge and logic is very low. Most people cannot weigh up the facts and come to intelligent decisions; they lack the ability and knowledge.

Democracy is hence flawed. The vote of an imbecile carries the same weight as a genius and society is controlled by the less intelligent and less knowledgeable.

That pains me to say and makes me seem like an elitist. That I am not. I believe that all people regardless of gender, race or ability are of equal worth – however…..

I do not know how we make democracy work when too many are incapable or ill-informed and are manipulated by devious elitists to vote for psychopaths and sociopaths.

It also blows holes in your bottom up theory. I’d venture that 90% of us are not capable of behaving knowledgably enough – maybe more. Modern life is incredibly complex. Science and economics are beyond most people. I am intelligent but my knowledge is not great enough in many arenas to make valid judgements.

What do you think?

Turning Our World the Right Way Up – Free Life (

ULEZ expansion: damaging, dishonest, and a disgrace to democracy – Free Life (

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