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Today’s Music to cheer me up! – Ian Dury – Poo Poo in the Prawn!


Where the hell did we go wrong? Ian Dury asks.

Well, selling the water companies to foreign investors was a great Tory idea wasn’t it? Now they cream off the profits to their nest eggs in the Caymans, the price goes ever up and the quality goes dow. They suppress wages and pour raw sewage into our waterways.

So where the hell did we go wrong?

They did the same with the Post Office, The Electric, The Gas, Housing and the Railways. They made a small short-term profit for a massive long-term loss. The profits are siphoned off abroad with no tax, the worker’s pay is depressed, the quality of service is crap and we pay more and more and more!!

Thatcher sold off all the council houses for a song to buy off the gullible tenants – now we have a massive shortage.

Sold of the Water – now we drink and swim in raw sewage.

Sold of the Electric and Gas – now we pay ridiculous prices.

Sold off the Post Office – now we have people madly driving here and there delivering parcels on the lowest pay possible.

All the money goes abroad without taxes and the economy is in a mess. There’s no money!

They are trying to do the same with the NHS and Education.

So Camron, Osborne, Johnson, Truss, Rees-Mogg, May and the rest of the Tories walk off with millions and we’re all left to pick up the tab!

Where the hell did we go wrong? Voting Tory! That’s where!

If you go swimming in the shite-us
You’ll get worse than dermititis
From the sea of grey detritus
Where the sewage ebbs and flows

There’s no respite
From the cess-pit
No shelter from the pong
The poor old ocean
Is full of motions
Where the hell did we go wrong?

Like a lamb off to the slaughter
Pored myself a glass of water
I failed to spot I’d caught a
Little creature in my cup

I was well and truly bolleaux-ed
From the fires of hell that followed
T’was the cup of life I’d swallowed
And it almost did me up

Something coming
Through the plumbing
That should not be there at all
The glass is brimming
And things are swimming
And quite frankly, I’m appalled

I took a sudden notion
To go down to the ocean
I’d got my sun-tan lotion
My flippers and my mask

In proper distribution
Of fully-formed ablutions
Formed an ocean of pollution
In which I daredn’t bask

Some turds were teeny-tiny
And some were big and shiny
But they all fucked up the briney
In which I dipped my toe

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