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Incandescent Days


Incandescent Days

Incandescent days beneath a nuclear globe,

Worshipped from days long gone,

Creating green explosions on the crust.

No gods to implore but iron to rust

And chemistry to leave within the dust.

Hydrogen to helium

And energy to burn

Upon the mantle of our shelf

As quarks are rearranged

To radiate through space

And illuminate ourselves.

Excited electrons create the air

As pigments dance in ecstasy

To where

They are passed to the chemistry

That dares

To change its state.

For change is the law

And all our fate.

Opher 3.7.2015

Incandescent Days

This planet revolves around the sun. In man’s earliest days it was a thing of wonder, bringing light, heat and life. It had to be a God and was worshipped. The beliefs were that the rituals could unlock and control the powers it possessed.

Our ancestors were wrong in many respects but, even so, the sun is the giver of all life.

The sun’s heat was sufficient to melt ice and liberate vapor. Water is the medium of all living things. None can live without it.

The sun’s light caused photosynthesis to produce the oxygen we breathe and liberate our thoughts. With the energy it donated to us we dissected its secrets and learnt that it was no god and our powers could not touch it.

Life is change. With each day our bodies transform from egg and sperm to death. In millennia we evolve. And the sun itself must change. The giver of life will one day turn destroyer but its passing may produce life for others to evolve on distant worlds.

For we are the stuff of exploding stars.

Sun worship makes sense to me; at least you can see it!

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