It’s time that the Russian people rose up and rid themselves of this warmongering, oppressive tyrant!

How much death and misery can one person inflict?

4 thoughts on “It’s time that the Russian people rose up and rid themselves of this warmongering, oppressive tyrant!

  1. Opher! THAT sentiment could be a major cry of the English and American population as well.

    Just how long do we allow warmongering PERIOD!

    You don’t really believe that “oppressive tyrants” aren’t housed at Downing 10 and the White House as well.

    No, it is not just the Russian people that need to stand up it is up to ALL people!

    As you are well aware this entire Ukraine issue could have been handled peacefully if the U.S. would have stood by their own word and agreement with Russia.


    1. Lol Tub. Really good to hear from you. I’ve been missing your words of wisdom.
      I reckon it’s worse than you are suggesting Tub. It doesn’t stop with the inhabitants of Downing Street and the White House; the whole species is imbued with a set of genes for aggression and violence. War is in our genetic make-up. Whoever gains power is likely to abuse it and start a war. If the people rise up and chuck out their leaders they’ll only replace them with another set of power-mad warmongers.
      I don’t know what the answer is.
      I’ll have to have a mosey over to your place to see if you’ve exposed the solution!
      Take care Tub!! Man is war!!

  2. You are correct on this war gig that we keep signing up for with no end is sight. Well, not until the “second-big-bang”! Then all bets are off.

    Take care ………. Tube

    1. Let’s hope there’s not a second big bang Tub!! Hopefully the Russians will turn on Put and we’ll all be friends and live happily ever after!!

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