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Opher Goodwin – Writing Update.


It appears to me that a writer’s life is never free of writing. When I am not actively writing I am mulling over ideas and laying the groundwork for future books.

Here is the current state of affairs.

I am starting the drafting of a Sci-fi novel – a sequel to The Pornography Wars. I already have the ending and beginning. I have to plot my way through the rest of the story.

I have been offered another contract with Sonicbond publishing to produce an On Track – Every Album Every Track for Bob Dylan in the 60s. This will take a great deal of time.

My second Sonicbond book is due out in July of this year. The editing is complete. I have to present photos for the editor to select and it will then be laid out for publication.

I have presented my Roy Harper memoir to the publishers for consideration. We’ll see how that goes.

I am working on two more poetry books. The first is a book of 60s poems. I unearthed a cache of my hand-scribbled poems written between 1968 and 1972. I am typing them up, tidying them and putting them together into an anthology.

I am working on compiling a further series of poems from poetry I put out on my blog.

I am compiling a compendium of short stories that I have written over the last couple of years.

All that should keep me busy for a while!!

Meanwhile, a big thank you to all those people who have left such positive reviews of my books, have supported me by buying copies of my books (both the Ron Forsythe Sci-fi and the Opher Goodwin) and who have supported my blog!

I am incredibly grateful for every single review, comment, like or purchase. It gives me a boost to keep going!!

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