Poetry – All is not what it seems

All is not what it seems

All may not be as it seems

                As substance melts

                                Before the microscope,

As reality

                Becomes subjective,

As mind impacts on matter.

For all of us,


                                Might exist

In two places

                                                At the same time

And misbehave

                                                When watched.

Perhaps imagination

                Is taking

                                A central role

In modelling

                The world?

Opher – 16.12.2019

I am always amazed by the latest discoveries of science. They are much stranger than fiction, more extraordinary than any religion.

It seems that particles arrive before they leave,

                That things can exist in two places at the same time

And energy behaves differently when watched.

Forget Schrodinger’s cat! It’s dead alive!

Perhaps they will find that we shape the universe with our imaginations?

2 thoughts on “Poetry – All is not what it seems

  1. Opher – Might it be said our perception attempts understanding of the world we live in, whilst our imagination envisions the world we want to see. If so, why is it proving so difficult to imagine a better world than the reality we have now?

    A thought provoking poem Opher.


    1. That seems an apt description of perception and imagination. We can imagine but forces conspire to prevent our imaginings becoming real.

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