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Poetry – Head Hitting – Righting the Write


Head Hitting – Righting the Write

I’m Head hitting, editing,

Righting the write.

Word splitting, whirred, spitting,

Writing it right.

I’m reading the read in

With all of my might.

Ceding the seeding

With the mind of a mite.

I’m handing out sentences.

Think I’ve been caught.

Judging the paragraphs

In my mental court.

I’m Head hitting, editing,

Righting the write.

Word splitting, whirred, spitting,

Writing it right.


Editing can do your head in. Searching for the perfect sentence. Selecting the only word that will work. Arranging the paragraph to create the perfect balance of length, style, variation and flow. Creating the perfect chapter. Checking the grammar. The spelling.

Moving the story through to its denouement.

None of the sentences are correct! Words have so many meanings. The nuances disturb the brain!

Head hitting!!

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