Poetry – I Can’t Help It!

I Can’t Help It!

I can’t help it!

I have a section missing!

It’s not my fault!

Spelt out in DNA code

Missing on my Y –

The ability to iron or fold,

To notice dirt,

To dance,

To knit or sew!

All missing!

It’s not my fault!

I’m disabled!

There’s a whole section missing.

I can’t help it!

Opher – 12.5.2019

Where did it all go wrong? Why am I so inept at so many things? I guess it’s just genetic!

I was born that way. My Y chromosome is a stunted little thing with so much missing! Who would have thought that the genes for ironing, folding and noticing dirt would all be on the section that is missing?

So sad. I feel so helpless! But it’s not my fault is it?