Science Vs Superstition


Science has only really got on its feet these last two hundred years. Before that we were in the Dark Ages.

The enlightenment took place in the eighteenth century. Only then was superstition replaced by science; only then was science free to really investigate the natural world; only then were scientists able to reveal the truth without fear of being burnt at the stake for heresy.

So we were able to say that the Earth orbits the sun; that we are not the centre of the universe, below us was magma, not hell, above us were a trillion galaxies, not heaven.

In two hundred years we went from horse and cart and candle, to electric lights, Maserati’s, space stations and trips to Mars.

We understood evolution, genetics, DNA, atoms, viruses, black holes and quasars. We found out about quarks, nuclear energy and how to vaccinate against killer diseases. We invented telephones, satellites, TV, computers and instant communication.

Back in 1800, when people just had prayer and herbs, life expectancy at birth was 35 years. 25% were dead before the age of 5 years old.

Today life expectancy for men is 79 years and for women is 83 years.

That is due to science discovering bacteria and viruses leading to better sanitation; to science creating vaccinations that have eradicated killer diseases like smallpox, polio and tuberculosis; science creating better medicines and treatments and science creating better food and living conditions.

Prayer and herbs did not work. Science does!

The only way that 8 billion of us can survive on this planet is due to science – not prayer or herbs.

Unfortunately we have not rid ourselves of superstition. It still holds us back. The religious fanatics forsake science for belief. They mistakenly believe that you can banish covid with prayer, that vaccination is unnecessary, that social distancing and masks are not necessary.

That’s why they are dying in droves in the southern states of the USA. They refuse to believe in science. They don’t believe in evolution and many of them still think the Earth is flat.

Science has even studied stupidity – unfortunately it has not yet found a cure for it!

While certain people believe that truth and education are commie plots there is no hope for humanity!

Science is powerful but it can’t educate the profoundly stupid!

The famous historian A J P Taylor was asked when the Dark Ages ended. He replied that they hadn’t yet; we were still living in them.

Let’s hope that we don’t get another Trump undermining science and experts for his own ends and promoting superstition, fake news and propaganda in order to gain wealth and hold on to power.

Let’s hope science prevails over ignorance!! Even the Taliban use mobile phones and Kalashnikovs.