Poetry – Hard Times are Coming

Hard Times are coming

From the waterworld to the droughts –

Hard times are coming.

From the Sahara ocean to the Artic desert,

Hard times are on their way.

Growing crops on mountain tops –

Hard times are coming.

From the arid Amazon to the flooded Gobi,

Hard times are on their way.

Fishing over Holland, trawling Bangladesh –

Hard times are coming.

Our cities under water our fields now sea,

Hard times are on their way.

Opher 24.4.2019

If we allow climate change to occur we will unleash forces that will devastate our civilisations and bring an end to everything we have.

In the past, when we were small in number and nomadic hunter gatherers, we simply moved to higher ground. Not so easily with eight million and the infrastructure and agriculture on low lying land. Not so easy with the need to feed eight billion.

Hard times are coming.