In the history of Mankind has there ever been a leader who has brought happiness and prosperity to their people?

Are all leaders self-serving?

Are they only interested in wealth and power?

Do some start as benevolent leaders and descend into tyrants?

Has there ever been one who has selflessly worked for the good of the people?

Can you name a single good one??

Why is it so incredibly difficult to think of a single person who put the people before themselves?

I could only come up with a few – Mujica, Mandela and Ghandi.

So why do we keep electing psychopaths, sociopaths and selfish egocentric self-servers???

4 thoughts on “In the history of Mankind has there ever been a leader who has brought happiness and prosperity to their people?

  1. “So why do we keep electing psychopaths, sociopaths and selfish egocentric self-servers???” you ask.

    Here’s a coherent answer… read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The  Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective  & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at

      1. You certainly entirely missed what the article documented, or ignored its content neither of which leads to proper understanding.

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