Climate Change produces extreme weather. The cost will be enormous.

If we don’t do something about climate change not only will our economy stuffed but so will humanity.


SBS News 

25 July at 03:30  · One video on social media this week showed commuters in China chest-deep in murky floodwaters on a train in the dark. The underground station had turned into a large, churning pool. On the flooded subway line, 12 people died after the city of Zhengzhou was hit with its heaviest rain in 1,000 years.The devastating scenes came just days after floods killed at least 160 people in Germany and another 37 in Belgium last week.Currently, monstrous wildfires are burning in Oregon and California. Some of the fires in Oregon are so intense they’re creating their own weather systems, including fire tornadoes.As temperatures rise and extreme weather batters many parts of the world, populations are left in the middle of the climate disaster.All weather events in this gallery happened within the last 30 days.📷: Getty Images