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Poetry – Freedom Day


Freedom Day

It’s freedom day next Monday,

                Throw away your mask!

                                What will be will be!

Forget about social distancing

                Take the government to task.

                                We’ll all be absolutely free!

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

Think about the economy.

                Don’t think about the deaths.

                                Think about freedom!

We’ll all be down the pub.

                Taking in big breaths.

                                Carpe diem!!

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

In the midst of a pandemic,

                With numbers rising fast,           

                                A modicum of intelligence?

Forget your ventilators.

                We’re going to have a blast!

                                Rules are an irrelevance.

License for the morons.

                Prison for the wise.

                                A populist agenda

                                                From out a bed of lies!

Opher -17.7.2021

Is there anything more insane than taking away all the rules when the case numbers are going through the roof?

Are we just pandering to a populist whim?

I’m going to go back into lockdown. Let the morons dance, sing and die!!

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