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Poetry – The Answer To The Eternal Question


The Answer To The Eternal Question

I have found the answer to the eternal question.

It was radiant in a sunset;

Shining in a rainbow;

Living in the rocks and trees;

Alive in rivers, seas and cliffs.

It reflected back at me

From mountains, hills and valleys.

It spoke to me as I lay

In flower-strewn meadows.

It hummed to me with every

Magnificent winged or crawling creature.

It filled me with delight

With every sight of fur and claw.

It sang to me

With coloured plumage.

It filled me with wonder and elation.

And the answer dwelt

Beyond words, beyond teachings

And was manifest

In contentment.

For it was enough

To be part

Of such an exquisite flow.

Opher 1.8.2018

When one is immersed in the glory of nature there is no need to ask for any more.

There are no further questions and no more answers.

From the heavens above to the rocks below, in the midst of the wealth of life, the answer is all around us.

We are part of a wondrous flow. That is enough.

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