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Peace in Israel – Free Palestine!!


It is quite obvious to me that when you bomb, mutilate and kill you create hatred.

At present both the Israelis and Palestinians are run by fanatical religious extremists. The fundamentalist Jews are as bad as the Islamist Hamas.

Peace does not come with bombs and rockets – it comes with talks and reparation.

It is good to see sane Jews looking for reconciliation rather than racist humiliation. They need to kick out the racist fascists who setting the agenda. Likewise the Palestinians need to dump Hamas and get real!

We need common sense, tolerance and humility – not guns, threats, bombs and rockets!!!

It is ironic how the oppressed have become the oppressors and behave like the Nazis they despise. Hamas feeds off it. They want hate, violence an death. It’s their biggest recruiter.

Jewish Voice for Peace 

5 m  · It was so beautiful to see THOUSANDS of Jews standing openly and proudly with Palestinians at rallies around the world this weekend. Palestinians said to go ALL OUT for Nakba Day — and an unprecedented number of Jews heeded their call.Our members co-sponsored, spoke at, or attended rallies in at least 36 US cities, some of which had contingents of Jews that numbered in the hundreds. The tide is shifting. We are supporting Palestinians’ liberation struggle. We are building Jewish community beyond Zionism. We are standing with the oppressed against the oppressor.Though the most visible and powerful Jews may continue to prop up Israel’s settler-colonial, apartheid regime, remember that the Jews in the streets want Palestine to be free.#NakbaDay#Nakba73

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