Government corruption???? The immorality of it!! 66 Cameron ministers and aides walk into lucrative jobs in the very areas they were responsible for. A misuse of power and knowledge to the detriment of the country!!

Talk about feathering your own nest and selfish greed. Politics is now merely a revolving door into hugely lucrative positions in business.

Wasn’t it Osborne and Cameron who came up with that ‘We’re all in it together’ crap – before swanning off to multimillion pound roles.

We had Osborne taking a huge pay out for advising firms how to dodge paying millions of pounds of tax – a traitorous act!

We have Cameron misusing his influence to favour a firm who was paying him £45 million!

But behind them are another 64 who have used their position to gain access to wealth beyond all understanding.

These are the callous clowns who brought in austerity, pay cuts and zero hours!!!

All in it together!!!!

Lies Lies Lies!!!!

This stinks of rabid capitalism and Tory corruption!!!

Revealed: 66 David Cameron ministers and aides took jobs linked to portfolio (

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