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Poetry – Trump – The One Game in Town


Trump – The One Game in Town

There’s only one game in town:

Who’s stealing the election?

Trump claimed victory – shouting ‘Fraud’

That he says requires correction.

Yet the corruption seems all one way:

Republican states suppressing registration,

Reducing numbers of polling stations,

Creating long lines and much frustration.

It is they who steal elections

With their underhand tactics,

Claiming that all is fair

In the world of politics.

He who is shouting loudest

Is the biggest conman.

Frying lies, propaganda and threats

In his dark frying pan.

Opher – 4.11.2020

Trump has lost – though he now chooses to dangerously stir up his base with unfounded accusations of fraud. He claims the election has been stolen from him. He’s a sore loser. He’s trying every trick in the book to steal the election – every lie, every false accusation. He’s still stirring up hate and division.

Yet the real theft lies with the Republican states. They have conspired to steal the election. By preventing blacks and poor whites for registering to vote, by limiting the number of polling stations they have tried their hardest to make it as difficult as possible for the Democrat party. That is the real fraud.

One only has to see the ease of registration and voting in Republican areas and the obstacles and long lines, with hours of waiting, in the poor areas.

That’s where the real fraud is!

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