Poetry – John Phillips – Seasons

Another from John – from his poetry book Shorts and Shots.


Spring is here today

Whiteness of Cherry blossom

Falling like the snow.

Gentle Springtime rain

Caressing the thirsty land

Bringing forth new life.

Morning Cuckoo song

Wakening the silent wood

Soundtrack to the Spring.

Blazing Summer sun

Bringing smiles of joy to all

Darkening the skin.

Breezes of Summer

Stirring the fields of Barley

Like a golden sea.

Clouds of purple hue

Darkening the Summer sky

Angry thunder roars.

September sunset

Closing down the Autumn day

Soon the leaves will fall.

Golden Autumn sun

The gathering of the crops

Before the rains come.

The birds are leaving

Flying off to southern seas

Winter on the way.

Icy Winter wind

Blowing from the northern skies

The bears are sleeping

Into the silence

Moving through the winter wood

Footprints in the snow.

Blackest Winter night

The land is full of darkness

Spring seems far away.