Poetry – People are Good

People are Good


People are good.

Though that’s not the impression we receive.

We are told

That they cheat

They lie and deceive.

But people are good.


People are good.

They always help out.

When the times are rough

It’s the people who are tough.


People are good.

It’s our leaders who reek.

Power corrupts

From the strong to the meek.


People are good.

They’ll always give you a hand.

Except when they are riled up

By leaders of the land.


Using fear and hatred

They incite to hysterical pitch.

Then sit back and smirk

While we die in the ditch.


But people are good.

They’re not filled with sin..

We know we’re not different

Whatever our skin.

People are good.


Opher – 14.9.2020

62 thoughts on “Poetry – People are Good

      1. Trump actually asked Russia to interfere and to hack Clinton. He called upon them to do so at an open rally. I heard him and they did.

      1. An interesting question. The Gemara of בבא קמא contrasts with the Gemara of סנהדרין. The post בית שני [in English post Herod Temple], codification of Jewish Oral logic traditions. These two different Gemaras weigh the distinction between a temporary resident called a ger toshav and a foreign refugee living within the jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin Federal Court system. The Gemara of Baba Kama, its Mishna and Gemara, teaches that the Canaani [alien refugee, that such a person has no legal rights]. The Gemara of Sanhedrin, it brings an aggadic story about the 7 commandments of bnai noach ie temporary residents within the borders of the Jewish State. These temporary residents cut a “temporary” alliance with the Jewish people. As such if an ox of an Israel damages the ox of a gere toshav, the gere toshav has the right to take the Israel to court and sue for damages. Not so the alien refugee. The latter enjoys no civil or political rights. The so called Balestinians refugees qualify as “Canaanim”.

      2. Everybody has legal rights. Only a fascist denies them. Oh how the Jews have turned full circle. Compassion is a basic human characteristic.

  1. The Romans did not like the Talmudic laws which excluded rights to refugee populations. President Trump argues that the Bill of Rights only applies to citizens of the US. That illegal aliens have no civil or political rights. Naturally we Yidden agree with the logic of the Trump Administration and despise and abhor the nonlogic of the Obozo Administration.

    Illegal aliens tend to form lawless gangs, like the Mexican gangs in California. The have no loyalty to maintain the society and government within the lands which they illegally entered and conduct acts of theft, violence, and mayhem. Such criminals have no rights. The American Constitution strips Federal criminals from the right to vote. The logic its consistent from ancient Israel to the United States today.

      1. So you don’t speak Arabic or Hebrew but pretend you know the solutions for the problems which ignite the Middle East. That’s quite funny.

        Justice through courts of lateral Common Law defines the Good Name of Jerusalem rather than a grand structure made of wood and stone.  The learning of Talmud requires פרדס disciplines;  the study of Talmud פרדס defines.  To what does the רמז\סוד couple compare?  To the עץ ; to roots of a tree, ever expanding in search of water and minerals the tree requires root system in order to live.  Like the foundation upon which a building stands, so too and how much more so the roots necessary for classic plant life other than mushrooms

        To understand the halakic component of the Talmud compares to the grammar of Hebrew verbs.  Each and every Hebrew verb has its two or three letter שרש, upon which the grammar builds its verbs.  To what does the verb שרש compare?  To racism.  ב’ ראשית within בראשית.  What causes the genesis of racism?  Language or actions?  As the Talmud contains two intertwining components of Aggadita and Halaka, so too does racism employ the slander perversion of words and violent actions.

        The בראשית Creation story centers upon the story of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil.  The kabbala of פרדס most essentially defines Talmud through the tohor and tuma Yatzirot within our hearts.  This metaphor of the tohor and tuma Yatzirot defines the struggle to live within us as Human beings.  The language of the בראשית story, of a world full of chaos and anarchy, they contrast with the Order imposed by the 7 days of Creation.  These two opposing powers of conflict, they define the Creation of the Universe.  The discipline of פרדס mirrors, it reflects these two fundamentally opposed forces within Nature.  The eternal conflict between these two opposing great powers essentially defines the laws of gravity, as expressed through the simple medium of a common battery.  These opposing great powers create a magnetic field.

        Herein explains the basis of physics.  The kabbala of rabbi Akiva’s פרדס, which essentially teaches: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force – the 4 fundamental forces of Physics.  James Clark Maxwell through mathematical equations unified electric and magnetic forces in 1864.  About 80 years thereafter, quantum physics consolidated electromagnetism with quantum physics.  The interaction of these 4 primary forces, they tend to interact at the subatomic level.

      2. From my perspective, the Talmud is a big part of the problem.
        Sometimes, in order to see the problem objectively, you need a little distance. Even from our brief conversations it is quite apparent that your Talmud has left you short in a number of areas – empathy, compassion and humanity come to mind. Your racism and insensitivity, your aggression and disdain, your wish for revenge, is precisely what is exacerbating the situation.
        I have far better solutions but you are too caught up in tribalism.

  2. I could respect your opinion if you possessed the skill to correctly read a line of Gemara. LOL Talmud, which means learning, encapsulates the customs and culture of the Jewish people. Ya don’t like Jewish culture – that fair. I abhor and detest European culture. Again you revert back to your habitual error of making general unsupported statements. You say i am a racist – more power to ya – but i do not agree.

    1. No Moshe – you are wrong. I do not detest Jewish culture. I have the utmost respect for it. There are many good things. Obviously, I think all religion is a man-created noose that stops people living. But the culture is interesting.
      I detest the capitalism of the West and the way it has created distorted values – slavery, greed, empire and conquest. Disgusts me. But there are things in all cultures to love and things to despise.
      I’ve travelled the world and have friends of all religions, races and political views. I don’t stereotype. My Jewish friends are very cultured but fortunately not fanatics.
      Your words reveal your racism – the way you talk about the Palestinian people, the way you describe Obama, your attitude towards Europeans, your use of language. It is repugnant.
      People are people. They are all worthy.

      1. How could you detest that which you know nothing about, that would make you an Xtian. LOL The Talmud teaches the Jewish ideal of justice through law. And like any human institution on this planet, its man made. LOL. Bunk. My words reveal a practical defender of Israeli interests. The Arabs abhorred the Balfour declaration which established and served as the basis for the league of nations awarding to England the “Palestinian mandate”! Try, please I’d love to hear it, and tell me how Arabs could refer to themselves as “Palestinians” during the period of the British Mandate. HaHaHaHa Arabs cannot even pronounce the letter P! Obozo the shoe shine boy introduced UN Resolution 2334. The Europeans, they murdered 75% of the Jewish people. The Poles attempted to build a Catholic church at Auschwitz can refused to acknowledge their war crimes and the post War pogrom against Jews from 1944 to 1946.

      2. It’s probably got some good stuff in it – but I am me, a free man. I have my own mind. I do not need any claustrophobic set of rules!

      3. The only claustrophobic set of rules – the bull shit you impose upon yourself. You know nothing what so ever about the Talmud.

      4. The scientific method which relies solely upon empirical physical evidence – totally archaic! It limits reality restricted only to 3 physical dimensions.

      5. Science has only really been around for three hundred years Moshe – and it changes as the evidence amounts. It is not fixed in rock like archaic rules.

      6. Talmud codifies a discipline of logic. Logic applies equally across the board to all generations. You should take a course or two or three or four etc. in logic.

      7. I have no problem with logic Moshe.
        You do seem to have a failing in this area. Your inability to see the logic of your attitude towards the Palestinians is a good example.
        It is not too late for you to show compassion and realise that there are better ways to deal with other people. All people are merely people. None are intrinsically better than anybody else. We are all victims of our circumstance. Our views are moulded by the environment we grow in. Objectivity is difficult. Objectivity is necessary in order to apply logic.
        The ME situation will not be solved by violence. It will require negotiation, compromise and satisfaction on all sides. Until then you have war.
        It is not too late to apply logic. You are an intelligent person. Stand back and look at it.

      8. My attitude to stateless arab refugee populations who have no country of their own…hmmmm Goyim did not give a rat’s ass for Jewish stateless refugee populations for over 2000 years. But suddenly when the shoe, its worn on the other foot, Goyim like yourself get all holy and self righteous. Bunk.

    1. My Jewish friends are fully integrated in the society they live in and still respect their own customs. There are things about western culture they abhor (as do I) and things about Jewish culture and Israel that they dislike. The same is true for my Muslim and Christian friends. I am an antitheist. I think all religions are manmade and do much more harm than they do good.
      I can see that the long history of persecution has an affect. I say you have to rise above that. In this modern age we can build a much more tolerant society and put all the hatred and persecution behind us. It is much the same for the people who followed the pagan religions. They were persecuted and virtually wiped ou. That was real genocide.

      1. Like the slaughter of the American Indians! Yet no UN Resolution condemns the US and South American countries as it does Israel! Why?

      2. Ya need to bring an example where the UN as done something worthwhile. The peace keepers stationed in the Sinai prior to the ’67 war, which at the drop of a hat departed. Had the UN served as a peace keeping unit they would have told Nasser to take a hike. That’s an example of how the UN – utterly vile and totally worthless.

      3. The Un is working round the clock behind the scenes doing good work everywhere. Who knows how bad things would have got without them. One thing is for sure – it would be a hell of a lot worse.

      4. Your opening sentence – total bull shit. The 2nd sentence total speculation. Your concluding sentence utter bull shit. You have not proved anything.

      5. You know Moshe, you don’t have to be aggressive and side with the fascists. You can choose to be compassionate, understanding, tolerant and help build a better world.

      6. It seems to me Moshe that anything that doesn’t quite fit with your views is instantly discarded, branded as bunk and not engaged with. That seems like bunk to me.

  3. What caused the Shoah? Jewish assimilation to foreign alien cultures and customs. The Jewish assimilation rates in both the US and Europe today … approaching 70%!!! Statistically this means that your “Jewish friends” like yourself have never studied the Talmud. We agree that religion sucks. As an atheist, praise G-d, I resemble that remark. This bogus Xtian nonsense about man made – that’s just racism. You condemn something across the board cus its “man-made” … EWWWWW. Hate religion b/c its theology sucks.

    A great Jewish theist of the Middle Ages, my soul absolutely abhors. That vile SOB – why the Rambam of course. That assimilated Jew know nothing about the logic of פרדס scholarship, the kabbala of rabbi Akiva, and based his famous code of Jewish law upon Aristotelianism. The entire purpose of lighting the lights of Hanukkah, the Jewish people dedicated unto HaShem our Will only to interpret the Torah strictly and only by and through the Oral Torah logic system. After he died the chief rabbi of Spain put the Rambam into harem. A Jewish civil war ensued. That civil war would witness the total destruction of Jewish exiled communities in France, Spain, and Germany. It would result in the Catholic church forcing Jews to live in dire poverty – generally known as “the ghetto”. A huge Jewish refugee population transfer fled from Western Europe unto Eastern European lands as a consequence of the Rambam civil war. For these reasons the Rambam merits absolute hatred and contempt. And NOT because his religious code is “Man Made”; what utter and total bull shit.

    1. What is past is past. It cannot be changed. Now we have the future. We learn that nobody wins wars. We learn that the way forward is to become more responsible, more global, more civilised, more tolerant and less tribal.

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