Poetry – What Makes a Goon?

What Makes a Goon?


What makes a goon?

Strutting in uniforms

With body armour and masks.


What makes a goon?

Behind their shields

With their guns and batons.


What makes a goon?

Following orders

Mindlessly dispensing violence.


What makes a goon?

Arm of the State

Merchants of terror.


What makes a goon?

Beating heads

Stifling protest.


What makes a goon?

Teargas and bullets

Terror and power


What makes a goon?

Mindless zombies

Faceless thugs.


What makes a goon?




What makes a goon?

Instruments of tyranny

Never questioning.


What makes a goon?


Vehicles of oppression.


What makes anybody want to give up their individuality, their ability to reason, and become an enemy of the people?


Opher – 7.9.2020