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Today’s Music to keep me NASE in Isolation – Led Zeppelin


Out of the ashes of the Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin exploded on the scene. At the time they were considered Heavy Metal but I think they were too complex for that label. They were a mixture of things.

My memory is that ‘Whole Lotta Love’ propelled them into a different orbit.

I’m not sure what it was about Zep that made them greatly different to the last incarnation of the Yardbirds. Page and Beck were amazing together.

I caught Zep right at the beginning at the Toby Jug when they’d broken in the States. It cost me all of 25p and I was able to see them right up close in a small club. They were very powerful!

So today I will play a bit of Zep to cheer me up!


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