The Corona Diaries – Day 56

That’s eight weeks of isolation. I’ve been feeling good and positive but today I feel jaded and full of ennui. I can’t be bothered. I’ve got plenty to do. I have a new section of my new novel to write but I’m not in the mood. There are still two rooms to decorate but they can wait. I can’t even get stuck into reading!

It’s a sad state of affairs. I’ve got the Isolation Blues!!

There you go I might just take myself in hand and pen a poem!! Make use of the lack of motivation to do something creative with it.

Watch this space!

Outside in Coronaland it is the same old story. Trump wants people back to work and says that the virus will just go away on its own (it won’t) and the USA blocks a vote in the UN to stop all hostilities across the world (why would they want to do that?). Madness.

Johnson dithers and the death toll rises.

Today I had a wonderful walk along the beck. A duck and drake were on the crystal clear water of the beck keeping close guard over their two ducklings. The ducklings had grown big and were dabbling and diving, looking as if they were having a good time. Two weeks ago there had been a dozen of them. No wonder the parents were giving me wary looks and paying such close attention. I wondered what had happened to their siblings? A fox maybe?

The day could not have been nicer, neither too hot nor too cold. A cool breeze. I walked down to the old watermill and had a look at the trout!

There were more people out and more traffic. People are becoming bolder, but social distancing was still practised. Hopefully the covid cases will not rise again!

I went out in the garden and had a little snooze!!

It’s a hard life in isolation!!

Hopefully tomorrow I will be full of vim!! (I hope I’m not going down with anything??)

I’m off to water the garden, have dinner and a glass of wine (or two).

Stay safe!

4 thoughts on “The Corona Diaries – Day 56

  1. Would the days pass by any quicker if you stopped counting them Opher? 😉

    I watched a young family lay out a picnic blanket yesterday on a field adjacent to a stream near where I live. Barely had they settled and the food hamper opened when they were over-run – and seen-off – by a marauding bevy of swans, who quite possibly were either interested in acquiring a free meal or, more likely, somewhat displeased in having their habitat invaded by human-beings (defying lock-down rules) after enjoying peace and quiet for 8 weeks. Might it be that Nature is laying claim once again to what is rightfully hers – and flourishing in our absence – and more readily prepared to defend herself?

    Drink away the blues and sleep in until lunchtime!


    1. I don’t know Dewin. I thought it was interesting to record the thoughts as days went past. I’m not sure that I intended counting them. But days go past.
      I wish nature would lay claim, but I suspect we’ll assert ourselves the minute we can.
      Are you writing??

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