The Amazon Trip – Arriving in Brazil

Day Whatever, (Yes – I’m losing track! – somewhere around 12 I reckon!)

We’ve arrived in Brazil

Brazil, land of colours, flair and samba, Pele, football and edginess. Brazil land of the nut and the Amazon.

We arrived at our pilot station at Fazendina in the early morning. We anchored off-shore while the pilot and Brazilian passport control came on board.

We rose at dawn to catch the sunrise and first sight of land. We ate our breakfast on the open deck. Six a.m. and it was warm.

The ship was festooned with insects – big moths, beetles, grasshoppers, bugs, water-beetles, strange insects with fossorial legs, dragon flies, butterflies. It seemed that the Amazon had come to us.

Later that day the temperature was about 30 degrees. We sat on deck and watched the lush tropical rainforest drift by as we headed up river. All day long the vegetation slid past. Excitement was in the air. It felt like the trip had really just begun.

The Amazon itself seemed to be made up of holy water – a rich brown – so thick that you could probably walk on it.

By the end of the day the light was golden honey making the lush vegetation glow.

Then the sun started to set! We sat and watched in the sultry heat of Brazil. Peered out at the thick jungle and imagined the teeming life living in that tropical paradise.

The sunset was wonderful.