Poetry – The Wind is Rising

The Wind is Rising


The wind is rising

I watch the branches sway

The sky is darkening

Colossal forces are at play.

An eerie yellow colour gathers

As the world holds its breath.

The storm is coming

We are awaiting death.


Opher – 29.3.2020

6 thoughts on “Poetry – The Wind is Rising

  1. Well penned Opher!

    If an article appearing on Channel 4 News (Sunday 30/03/20) is to be believed, King’s Hospital and other London Hospital Trusts are seeing the number of coronavirus deaths understated in government reports. The scale of this misinformation could be under-reported by half.

    It appears the approaching storm has already arrived and our government deceiving the public.


    1. I certainly would not put that past them. I also would not be surprised if the lack of testing isn’t political. They have no morality and are renowned for their lies.

      1. One wonders what the actual U.K death toll currently is: inclusive of those that have died at home and in Care Homes?

        And no extension to Brexit negotiations either!

        Gird your loins for the onslaught,


      2. One also wonders how many people really have it. A hell of a lot more than are appearing in the official figures. All smoke and mirrors – and they talk about China messing with information.
        When are we going to have transparency?

      3. France has declared understated death figures as well. I’d be very surprised if other countries haven’t also done the same.

        ‘When are we going to have transparency?’ When a power greater than that wielded by world governments becomes an existential threat and demands it.

        All governments are corrupt in varying degrees. They would fail if ever required to tell the truth.


      4. All politics is spin. The truth becomes what they say it is. It is very Orwellian. The trouble is that they get away with it. Too many people are gullible and fall for it.

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