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Poetry – I am Quantum – A poem about reality.


Poetry – I am Quantum – A poem about reality.

This is my latest book of poems.

But this is my latest poem.

I am Quantum

The reality we hold within our heads is created by the neuronal net we each possess. Our consciousness is the result of billions of electrical impulses.

It is not real.

Our senses fire and relay their messages to the brain. The brain interprets these and creates sight, touch, warmth, sound, smell and the elements it uses to create our reality.

It we were dissociated from our nerves and different messages were conveyed it would create a different reality.

The world we see is not real; it is created by our brain.

My world and yours are completely different. We cannot imagine the universe our pets inhabit.

At the same time my mind fantasises and dreams, creates poems, visions and ideas.

They are not real.

They are the product of my neuronal net.

In Quantum physics an electron can exist in two places simultaneously. The whole universe is a product of unreality.

I think I have a quantum mind.


I am Quantum

I lead a quantum life

Flitting about

Here and there

In the world

And in my head

At the same time.


Two worlds


And who can tell

Which is more real?


My ideas exist

In two places

As they shunt

Their strange paths

Across my synapses

To my dreams.


My senses fire –

Send messages

Along neurones

To make picture,

Solid and concrete,

In my head.


All the world,

Inside and out,

Is the same –

An electric fog,

A quantum leap,

Into the creation

Of a universe

Or two.


Opher 6.12.2015

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