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Poetry – Bullshit – a poem about suicide bombers, ISIS and fanaticism.


Poetry – Bullshit – a poem about suicide bombers, ISIS and fanaticism.

The whole spectre of suicide bombings, religious fanaticism and violence has taken on a greater and greater significance.

the extremists seem to be pushing for an all-out war with the West. It is a clash of ideologies. They want to impose their religious beliefs on the world. They see it as a battle between Islam and Christianity.

I do not see it that way at all. For centuries Muslims and Christians and Jews have lived together in harmony. Every now and then a fanatical element, or politically inspired prejudice, or seeker of power, uses the religious card to further their ends.

We have to put the present situation in context with the past.

There is a battle going on. It is between the people who wish to live in a world of diversity and harmony, where all people’s views are respected and we learn to accept our differences, or a world of fundamental intolerance.

I know which I would fight for.

This poem was written from the perspective of a bomber who woke up to the fact that he was being used and was merely a pawn in a power struggle.


They told me I’d go to heaven

When I strapped on that bomb

That paradise would be mine

And everything would be fine


In the bus on the way to market

Fidgeting with my change

Cherishing each second and trying to mark it

As the end comes into range


They said there was no other way

It was hidden in the genes

To draw attention to the day

The end justifies the means


But I’ve thought about it

And I’ve weighed up the blend

There is only ever just the means

And there never is an end.


Opher 11.3.96

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