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I’m Donny – a poem


I’m Donny


I’m Donald Trump from New York City

I’m so pretty but I ain’t no sissy

I like building walls


I’ll send them back to their shit-holes

To join the rats in their holes

I’m keeping out the hordes


I’m Donny!! I’m Donny!!

I got so much money it ain’t funny!


I can certainly work a massive crowd

My old pop would be so proud

Rich on government grants


I ain’t no racist but the US is white

You know I’m always, always right

I’ll make us great again!


I’m Donny!! I’m Donny!!

I got so much money it ain’t funny!


Tax cuts for the rich – economy will boom

The peasant love me – I make ‘em swoon

It’s so fucking easy!


With ‘Lock her up’ and ‘Send them back’

I know where their minds are at

I can play them like a fool


I’m Donny!! I’m Donny!!

I got so much money it ain’t funny!


My wife’s a classic plastic hussy

But I’m out there grabbing pussy

She’s a trophy droid


I use nepotism as a tool to win

I get away with murder it’s a sin

They’re so fucking daft


I’m Donny!! I’m Donny!!

I got so much money it ain’t funny!


If someone pisses me I hit them hard

Treat them like a retard

They learn real quick.


I tweet to my base and feed them meat

I’ll have them bowing at my feet

I love it!


I’m Donny!! I’m Donny!!

I got so much money it ain’t funny!


Opher – 2.8.2019



Some people are like Teflon – the shit just slides off. But eventually the Teflon wears thin and the thrall is broken.

Johnson the buffoon and Trump the self-aggrandiser will have their day. Then people will wake up to what they really are. Hopefully justice will come down on the two of them. Obnoxious self-servers!!

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