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Brexit – Project Fear is real!


Project Fear was always real. It was merely people telling us what will happen if we follow this course. Brexit has already cost us a staggering £66 Billion and is costing us more by the day. Another couple of billion wasted on planning for a no deal today (£2 Billion!! wasted!!). Armies of solicitors and bureaucrats. Thousands more unproductive civil services. Our schools, hospitals, police, social services, courts, prisons, roads, councils, mental health have all been run down and are in crisis. If Brexit goes through this will all get much worse.

If we had not voted for Brexit we would all now be prospering and our public services would not be in this chaos.

Project Fear is all too real and is already happening. It’s going to get a lot worse!

This is what will happen if the extreme right-wingers get their way:

A substantial number of businesses become uneconomic

Firms crashing

Companies pulling out of Britain

Many losing their jobs

House prices crashing

Pay going down

The economy takes a hit and goes into recession

Shortages of food

Shortages of medicines

Huge queues at ports

Armies of bureaucrats

Armies of solicitors

Armies of border guards carrying out unnecessary bureacracy

Tariffs on imports and exports

Prices of goods rise

The pound crashing

Holidays cost much more

Travel is much harder with more bureaucracy, visas, hold ups

Riots and looting

Civil unrest with the army being deployed to keep order

Years of austerity for ordinary people

Millionaires making a killing from the chaos.

Britain’s power and standing diminished.


Brexit has already cost this country £66 Billion!


Project Fear was real! It is already happening.


Brexit will cost the country £150- £200 Billion a year! That’s the reality!


Is this what you voted for?

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