Site icon Opher's World

I don’t hate humanity – I love nature.


I don’t hate humanity.

I hate some of the attitudes and actions of humanity. It is important to understand the distinction.

Many humans are caring, responsible, compassions animals.

Unfortunately many other humans are savage, cruel, violent and uncaring.

I like the former and despise the ignorance and stupidity of the latter.

Throughout history it is the latter that have, and are, causing great damage with their greed, selfishness and cruelty. Their ignorance and disregard is appalling for both other humans as well as creatures. Many seem to relish causing pain.

Presently our numbers are causing great harm to the ecosystems of the planet. We are wiping out animals in huge numbers, destroying habitats and affecting the whole planet.

Unless we wake up soon and start doing something about it the effects will be terminals – not just for tens of thousands of species but for ourselves too.

Too many people are selfishly putting profit before either people or nature.

This is simply not sustainable.

The amount of pain and suffering we are leaving in our wake is appalling.

I think it is long overdue that the more compassionate and caring among us take action to prevent the selfish and cruel from doing irreversible damage.

As for me – I take a lot of care in how I live. But as individuals we are helpless to prevent this. It takes nations to act.

The scale of the problem is far too big for any individual to be effective.

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