Overpopulation is the biggest problem.

The tide of humanity is sweeping nature out of existence.

We are destroying the planet bit by bit.

We need to reduce our numbers in order to live sustainably and stop this crazy train before it runs off the tracks.

We do not need to kill people off.

We can control the world’s population by a big dose of fairness and birth control.

What is killing the world is runaway capitalism – unbridled selfishness and greed, a lust for more and more, the mantra of growth at all costs, profit before people, profit before nature, pollute if it saves money, gross inequality. There are a greedy bunch of people running things who simply do not care. They selfishly put their own acquisition of wealth above everything. They profit from extreme poverty, the destruction of nature and wars. They are utterly immoral.

And those are the people who are leading us on this road to ruin.

We need a better way of life, a more equal world, a fairer society and far less people.

That’s what I believe.

I believe we can live peaceably with each other and nature.

6 thoughts on “Overpopulation is the biggest problem.

  1. I’m one of 7.6 BILLION bipedal apes & that is way too many!

    I’ve known since the 1970’s at least that there were far too many of us so by choice, I’ve had no children. Unfortunately the least intelligent have the most children & the most intelligent, the fewest. The world is FLOODED with stupid, ignorant, people who are endlessly demanding MORE! There is no “more”.
    Our RULERS are of course demanding more GROWTH, they want more immigration even though most of us want less or none.
    Those who oppose immigration are labeled as “racist” but it’s not the immigrant we dislike, it’s immigration itself, we certainly don’t need more people especially more uneducated, unskilled, poor, needy people, we already have too many of those who we are not helping.

    We should have started decades ago to use EDUCATION to educate people about the dangers of too many people, to educate them about birth control, abortion & telling them that to pleasure yourself is no “sin” it’s good for you & it’s FUN!
    Boys need to learn that girls are not just there for them to use & abuse & girls are not just breeding machines, something too many adult males have yet to learn.
    Birth control & abortion should be legal, affordable & safe.

    Now the backwards, religion infested state of Alabama has passed a law making virtually all abortion illegal & any doctor that performs one could end up in prison for 99 years! More time than her rapist would get.
    So now Alabama will AGAIN see more sick & dying girls & women, more abused children or dead babies & I suppose those who fight against a womens right to control her own body will be pleased at that & I suppose it would also please their “god”.
    Those extremist are insane & disgusting.
    Too bad we can’t also educate people against believing in religion.

    1. Well thank you Sheila. You have expressed that more strongly than I would have done but I largely agree with what you say.
      Yes it is long past the time when action needs taking – education for women, an end to misogyny (particularly in religion), welfare and pensions and birth control! Surely by now our global leaders realise this is a priority!
      Alabama is showing itself to be backward. This religious mania is destroying America. I blame Trump and the lack of good education. But it is a country based on superstition and ignorance – a staggering 6.2 million still believe the world is flat! They think the whole of science is a conspiracy. Boggles me!!

      1. It certainly “boggles” me as well, how can otherwise seemingly intelligent people believe the nonsence they do? “Flat earth” please! give me a break!
        Then of course their is life after death, demons, evil spirits, satan & all those “gods”!
        We have children DYING HERE because of their parents stupid religion!
        We also now have people dying here because they can no longer afford essential medicine like INSULIN!

        I’m a product of the ‘merican “educational” system but somehow, I managed to toss off most of the nonsence & I educated myself after “my” school had stuck me on the “mommy” track while the BOYS were allowed to learn skills that would land them good jobs, good until they were automated or moved to slave wage countries.

        What’s even worse, if worse is possible here, is this government ENCOURAGES religion, it dam near forces religion onto us! We are suppose to be a SECULAR country, we are suppose to have freedom of AND FROM religion.
        Religion is a form of CONTROL & rulers have always used religion to control the masses.

        We can’t just blame Trump for our awful “educational” system, this crap has been going on for a very long time. I remember reading the school books my grandmother used when she was in grade school, that would be high school level now, so far has our “education” system fallen.

        I feel sorry for the females that “live” in those backwards southern states, not just Alabama but Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, the Dakotas, Mississippi & Texass.

        I think we need to treat religion like any other BUSINESS! Tax & regulate them!
        Schools should correct untruths told by religion like the creation myth, the Adam & Eve myth, that flat earth myth, the Noahs ark myth etc, children need to be taught what we know to be real, things that have EVIDENCE to support them, not unsubstantiated beliefs.

        Now in my twilight years, I have to watch as we kill this living planet I have come to love. Year after year there are fewer living things other than humans & their domesticates.

        If we manage to finish off the insects, it’s all over for us as well with all flowering plants gone so will be gone all fruits, vegatables, nut trees, birds, fresh water fish, salamanders, amphibians, lizards, most living things will die & so will humans.
        So what will do us in first, climate disruption, overpopulation, the decline of essential resources like OIL, collapse of the ecosystem or war?
        Our collapse is certain now, it’s just a matter of time & we don’t have much time left.

      2. Well thanks for that Sheila. I am a tolerant man who believes everyone has the right to believe in what they want but I too find it very hard to accept the hold religion has on people. Yes – it is used for power and control. Yes – it is forced upon people and I particularly hate the way that it is forced on kids before they are at an age to reason.
        I do believe that religion fosters ignorance and division.
        I also despair at the wanton, stupid way we are destroying the natural world and hope that we come to our senses before we kill everything off. We are a cruel and thoughtless race.
        Education is the answer – but unfortunately we see that it has been subverted into supplying fodder for the jobs market instead of expanding minds and getting people to think.
        I suppose that getting people to think is the last thing they want.
        Trump, Bannon, Farage and this whole evil right-wing, divisive, fear-ridden ideology that undermines rational thought and science is an abomination!

  2. Copyright request

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I would like to ask for your permission to republish your article “Overpopulation is the biggest problem” at https://ophersworld.com/2019/04/21/overpopulation-is-the-biggest-problem/.
    The organ would be a free publication by the Swiss association FIGU on the subject of overpopulation, see http://www.figu.org/ch, which would be published there on the Internet or offered for free reference. The article may be used for a book, which is then offered at cost price, i.e. without profit.

    Kind regards
    Achim Wolf
    68305 Mannheim
    Phone: 0049-621-745481

    1. I would be honoured to offer the article for use in both publications as long as there was due acknowledgement and I received a free copy of the book. All the best – Opher.

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