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Tips – a poem




Minarets, mosques and tips

Kasbahs, souks and trips

Fountains, Atlas mountains

Snake charmers, monkey teasers,

Olives, spices and no chips.


Scorching sun, shady slips

Belly dancer’s hips

Camels and misused animals

Beast of burden, carts

And acrobatic flips.


Opher 5.4.2019



It seems that the main business of Morocco is the tourist trade. In the square one is regaled with snake charmers, monkey teasers, ostriches, palm readers, fortune tellers, story tellers, acrobats and sweetmeats.

In the souks stalls of merchandise of all descriptions, the drums of pickles, olives and fruit in mounds, the fish arranged in rows, the spices in a multitude of colour in conical heaps. Choose your own chicken. Bake your own bread.

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