Writing update!

I’m a bit stressed out at the moment. I have too much brewing! I currently have six books I am either working on or waiting in the wings.

  1. God’s Bolt

God’s Bolt is a Sci-fi novel. It had had three drafts and an edit, then a reorganisation. Tomorrow I meet up with my editor to go through the latest edit (following the reorganisation). The feedback so far is very positive. I’m hoping there will not be a lot of work to do.

All being well this could be in a position to publish as early as next week!

2. God’s Bolt – Reawakening

This is the sequel to God’s Bolt – another Sci-fi novel. This too has now been through three edits and a major reorganisation. Today I met with my other editor who returned it to me with minor corrections and a glowing report. The reorganisation has worked and it is almost ready to go. I have made the corrections and I will pass it on to the other editor for a quick perusal.

All being well this could be ready to publish in a couple of weeks time.

3. Quantum Fever

A couple of weeks back I suffered an attack of ideas. It resulted in me plotting out and starting a new Sci-fi novel. Strike while the ideas burn is my motto. I’m now thirty pages in. It should take me a few weeks to complete the first draft. I’m excited by the idea and the way it’s going!

4. Ruminating on Roy Harper

My book about my friendship with Roy over the last fifty something years is complete. The problem is that it has met with mixed reviews from those that have read it. Some love it, some hate it. As I want it to be as good as I can possibly make it I want to put some more effort in and get it right.

I have tried rewriting it twice but find that I actually really like how it has been written. So I had to leave a bit of time in order to gain objectivity. I will get back to this in the next few weeks. Wish me luck.

5. Nick Harper – The Wilderness Years

This is complete and has been with a layout designer who unfortunately has been ill. Nick is coming up in April and I will sit down and talk it through with him then. Hopefully we can get it out soon. You know what these musicians are like. They never have any time!

6. Untitled Poetry Book

My twelfth book of poetry is almost complete. I will type up a few more tonight. This may well be ready in the next couple of weeks.

Apart from that I’ve just been chilling out, travelling to Morocco, drinking wine, going to Harper gigs, sorting photos, meeting up with friends and family and just generally being lazy.

16 thoughts on “Writing update!

    1. That’s what I’m trying to do Jennie. But the ideas keep flooding in.
      When there’s a lull I edit a book.
      All coming along nicely!

      1. What a wonderful problem, Opher. A fertile, creative mind does not rest. It’s sorting out the overload and as you say, waiting for a lull, that gives time for editing.

      2. I enjoy it Jennie. It keeps me busy but I like being busy. I’d be worried if the ideas started drying up.

      1. Trying to develop my obsession as we speak. It all comes down, I think, to feeling strongly enough. Thanks to the idiots who govern us, I may be getting there …

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