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Broken – Bob Dylan – an appropriate song for our times!


With the right wing striding arrogantly centre stage with simplistic answers to complex problems. With fascists masquerading as voices of the people. With the environment being hammered and creatures dying by the million, habitats destroyed and species becoming extinct every minute. With people sleeping in the street, sewage running through the streets, while others contemplate another yacht. With wars raging, religious fanaticism and guns ruling the streets. With blood in the mosques, synagogues and churches. With blood in the concert halls, cafes and schools. With right-wing extremism, religious extremism and left-wing extremism. With greed and selfishness ruling the world with the mantra of expansion.

Perhaps everything is broken!

Better set about repairing it!!!


Everything Is Broken – Bob Dylan

Broken lines, broken strings

Broken threads, broken springs

Broken idols, broken heads

People sleeping in broken beds

Ain’t no use jiving

Ain’t no use joking

Everything is broken


Broken bottles, broken plates

Broken switches, broken gates

Broken dishes, broken parts

Streets are filled with broken hearts


Broken words never meant to be spoken

Everything is broken

Seem like every time you stop and turn around

Something else just hit the ground


Broken cutters, broken saws

Broken buckles, broken laws

Broken bodies, broken bones

Broken voices on broken phones

Take a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’

Everything is broken


Every time you leave and go off someplace

Things fall to pieces in my face

Broken hands on broken ploughs

Broken treaties, broken vows

Broken pipes, broken tools

People bending broken rules

Hound dog howling, bullfrog croaking

Everything is broken


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