Space travel in words.

Space travel in words.

Every word is alone. An idea captured within letters; a concept invented in sound and shared, agreed and accepted.
Every word, with all its vowels and consonants, has an exact meaning and communicates a thought.
It stands on its own.
But when these words are arranged in sentences they link together to form more complex ideas and even explosions of thought.
Those ideas trapped in the words join and mix to create more intricate concepts, paint vivid pictures and transmit emotion that others can share. They can extract the idea contained in one idea and connect it to the next so that together they have added synergy and can interact to intensify and interact to string together into whole universes of stories.
All imagination can be expressed by joining words. All one requires is space travel.

8 thoughts on “Space travel in words.

      1. Good to hear Opher 🙂 ‘Tis true, I’ve never known you to wear a smile upside down.

        Have a great day cutting loose in paradise.

        Namaste 🙂


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