Threatened with prison for loving cats!

Vivisection of cats


The worst aspect of being an Animal House technician was giving the cats to the psychology department. They used them for vivisection.

The cats were beautiful friendly animals, long-haired and affectionate. They had a big run and I would go in there and sit with them. They’d come and nuzzle up to me, sit on my lap and purr like mad. They were gorgeous.

The Psychology department used them for two demonstrations. They would take a cat and anaesthetise it. They would then either saw the top off its skull to expose the brain and implant electrodes or cut sections of brain out to see the effects on the body, or else they would use various drugs.

These were class demonstrations for third year degree students.

I found it distressing to see those beautiful animals alive and held up in hard, cold, metal retort stands. It felt very wrong.

I had a number of discussions with the relevant lecturers about the necessity for these demonstrations. I suggested they could film one. They did not need to keep sacrificing animals like this. They disagreed. They believed that it had more impact on the students to see it live. It certainly had more impact on me.

I went in a blatantly took a photo of one of my cats being used in a class demonstration.

The next day I was visited by a Home Office official who demanded the film and warned me that if I were to use such photos I would be prosecuted. They would put me away.

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