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Has Globalisation created gross inequality leading to civil unrest?


52% of the entire wealth of America goes to just 1% of the population.

By 2030 the world’s top 1% is on target to own two-thirds of the world’s wealth.

While the recession has eroded workers’ jobs, rights and wages the top 1% have been steadily getting richer and richer. They’ve never had it so good.

With the advent of AI this gap is only going to get bigger unless the politicians come up with a solution.

As a wealthy elite pulls further and further ahead the average worker finds themselves struggling to survive. Their pensions have been slashed, their earning have declined, their rights have been eroded.

No wonder people are angry!

This anger is now being channelled into racism and fear of terrorism by right-wing populists.

Is this what has given rise to Trump, Brexit and the rise of the extreme right?

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