What We Have – a poem of fear and desperation.

What We Have!!


What we have we keep!

Holding back the tide!

Creating problems



We stand together

In this fight

Against the desperate

In their plight!


If we treat them nice

More will come for what’s on offer!

Lock them up! Beat them up!

Make them suffer!


Opher 16.6.2018



It seems to me that there is an attitude of embattled defense. We feel we deserve to hold on to what we have. We are rounding up the wagons against the encircling Indians. It’s a mentality!

I think it’s time we started thinking globally and started solving the problems that are creating mass immigration:-


Gross inequality

Climate change



Economic disaster


They are all easily solved. They have been created by selfishness and greed.

Who can blame people who just want a better life?

The politicians have used the problems to further their own careers.