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Is the DUP the achiles heel of Theresa May?


In politics it is often something that comes out of leftfield that causes the biggest problems.

In Eire the huge Yes vote in the abortion referendum has put a timebomb under May.

Northern Ireland is rightly pressing for the same rights. They have been left in the wake as Eire surges ahead, breaking free of its religious shackles. Northern Ireland is now the backwater that is left behind. It flounders in an outdated religious dungeon of outmoded thinking with the flat-earthers and creationists of the DUP setting the agenda.

We might ask why the people of Northern Ireland do not possess the same rights as the rest of the UK?

Why should the backward Neanderthals of the DUP deprive women in Northern Ireland of their rights?

What is May going to do about it?

Well she’s fudged it so far. She’s said its up to the Irish assembly. But there is no Irish assembly. The DUP scuttled that. We have direct rule from Westminster. So it’s in her court.

Except false-feminist May cannot act without sending the medieval DUP into a terminal spin. And she relies on them to hang on to power. If she concedes to the rightful calls of the Northern Ireland women she will lose the DUP. She can’t do that can she?

So – will the voices of the Northern Irish be listened to? Will they receive their rights? Or will May once again put her lust for power and party in front of the good of a nation?

Hopefully the Northern Ireland women will gain their rights. The DUP can put aside their billion pound bung and drop out. Then we can have an election and get rid of this heinous bunch of extremists and their divisive obnoxious policies of austerity and hammering public services!

Good riddance May, may the creationists put an end to your greedy doctrine.

Long live the DUP – every last loony one of them!

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