Oooohhhh … Scandals!!!

This brilliant article from Jenny highlights the hypocrisy that lies at the heart of America for me.
It is alright to go to church on Sunday and pray for peace and go out on Monday and napalm children.
It is alright to espouse ‘family values’ and moral standards but support a President who has lied, cheated and abused women.
Then they call Hilary a criminal????
Talk about two-faced!!

8 thoughts on “Oooohhhh … Scandals!!!

  1. Hey Opher,

    The desire of love-power
    Raised him high, very high.

    The desire of indifference-power
    Dragged him down
    Beyond his imagination.

    The desire of thought-power
    Killed his inner silence.

    The desire of money-power
    Fooled him, his life, his all.

    ~ Sri Chinmoy ~

    Namaste 🙂


      1. One can add or delete a word here and there to contemporise a truth written years ago most apt and applicable to morally corrupt regimes in power throughout this unethical world. Nothing will change whilst spurious leadership – the blind – remains fixated on debased ideologies and self-serving philosophies glorifying greed, wealth, disloyalty, illicitness: hence promoting the very worst aspects of human nature, whilst asking the world’s people to stoop to meet their substandard myopic, fragile, finite and utterly foolish world view.

        Namaste 🙂


      2. That is certainly true Dewin. But one has to use the backdrop of history to enable us to see that in many ways things are improving – the scum have been forced to give some of their control and wealth to the rest of us.
        Here’s to the eventual overthrow.

  2. But isn’t it surprising that It’s taken white America so long to finally realise what a corrupt system they live under. It’s only when the ever present money tree stops feeding them that they realise themselves to be in the exact same position that the blacks were in 1965. They ignored that issue but hey, when it now affects them it’s time to make complaint. Hypocrisy… not half!

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