The Orkneys – The Standing Stones of Stenness

The Orkneys are covered with amazing Neolithic sites. The Standing Stones of Stenness was one of our first stops.

These large stones were all unique. Running your hands over them was like connecting yourself to the past. Looking out over the landscape with its delicate colours one could imagine those eyes from the past gazing over those same vistas.

11 thoughts on “The Orkneys – The Standing Stones of Stenness

    1. I think they are really powerful Anna. There is something intrinsically connecting about them. You can feel it.

  1. What we’re actually looking at here are (but don’t quote me on this) the grave stones of the last batch of elected Labour MP’s that actually achieved anything of note.
    The SNP, their natural 21st century successors are as can be seen taking care of the lawn mowing at tax payers expense. Trust them to waste good money, again.

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