8 thoughts on “Nick Harper – Kardomah94 – Saturday March 17th!!

  1. At least he’s got some integrity and credibility, which is something you are in such short supply of.

  2. Whatever happened about your book on Roy Harper? Since it’s been patented for intellectual property rights security through the Berne offices of UIBPIP, does that mean you can also publish it?

      1. Well… I thought it was yours as you mentioned it a while back – something about stuff on the burner sort of thing, if I remember correctly.

      2. Well I’m working on one book right now called ‘Ruminating on Roy Harper’. I was hoping to get it out soon but have decided on another edit.
        I did write a 4 volume book with Roy around his lyrics but that has yet to see the light of day.
        The only book I am aware of that has been out is the one Roy did.

      3. That’s it, same one, Ruminating etc. I bought a download copy off some dude for 5,6,Euros a while back, can’t remember exactly, but was really wanting a proper book copy.

  3. Great gig in Derby last night and Nick was as gracious as always.

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