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Cooperation not Competition!! Nationalisation not Profit for the Boys!!


It is obvious isn’t it?  We don’t need competition we need cooperation.

People work better in teams with a common aim. We don’t need them arbitrarily divided into profit-making groups. We want national services that are fairly priced and not geared to generate profit for rich people but to provide services for us.

All this drive to privatisation and competition is doing is putting money in the pockets of the rich.

We privatise universities and schools and suddenly the Vice Chancellors and SuperHeads are on vast salaries.

We privatise healthcare and the costs go through the roof as profits are creamed off.

We privatise the railways and fares go through the roof as profits are creamed off.

We privatise energy and the coasts soar.

We privatise the Post Office and the cost of a stamp goes through the ceiling.

We privatise water and our bills shoot up.

When will we learn? Competition has not driven down costs or improved services. It just means that money is being siphoned off into the pockets of the rich – the bosses, now paid astronomical sums, and the shareholders.

It is time to nationalise, cooperate, stop paying ridiculous sums to the people in charge and put those profits back into reducing bills and better services.

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