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A Perfect Society – a Vision.


Interacting with a variety of people over the internet; people with all manner of strong political views and social perspectives, gives me an angle on my own views. Someone asked me what a perfect society would look like for me and that set me thinking.
I believe all things start from a basic philosophy. So it is important to start with that.

My ideal society would no doubt be that of a small hunter/gatherer tribe living in harmony with nature. But that is a pipedream. Those days are long gone. With 7.6 Billions, and rising daily, there is not enough wilderness or enough animals to make it feasible. If everyone lived that way we’d have the planet stripped bare in a single year. No – we have to start with modern-day societies.

My ideal deal society would be:

a. A society that respects and lives in harmony with nature and provides space for the natural world to flourish
b. One based on equality, tolerance and caring
c. A society with a democratic system with full accountability
d. A society with excellent public services – schools, healthcare, provision for the elderly, libraries, swimming pools, leisure facilities, cycle paths, transport services, parks, playgrounds, sports facilities
e. A society that puts quality of life above consumerism, status and power
f. A happy, friendly place free of racism, bullying, crime, misogyny and nastiness – where a helping hand replaces the grasping hand
g. A secular society where anyone’s faith is a personal matter and there is no indoctrination of children, discrimination or division
h. A universal society that is outward looking and has a global perspective; where people can have their own cultural values but still buy into an overriding set of shared values
i. A society where there is freedom of expression only restricted by the banning of hate-speech or incitement to violence
j. A society where the individual has the space to grow and express themselves without discrimination, prejudice or coercion
k. A diverse society
l. A society that values the arts and creativity
m. A classless society without an overriding elite or ruling class, where the rich and powerful do not pull the strings
n. A society where hard work and effort is rewarded
o. A society where nepotism and privilege plays no part
p. A cosmopolitan society enriched by the mixing of cultures, races and views
q. A society where people are not exploited
r. A fair and just society where the laws and regulations are well thought through and applied fairly to create safety, order and yet retain freedom
s. A society that limits its numbers so there is no overcrowding
t. A society that does not pollute or waste resources

Well I probably could go on but I’d probably be repeating myself. It was an interesting exercise teasing out my vision. It is an idealistic vision. Without dreamers and ideals we have nothing to work towards. I’ll leave it to you to pick over. I’m sure the cynics among you will surmise that it is unattainable, unrealistic and against human nature.

I remain an optimist. It is the vision that drives my thoughts, actions and deeds and has done all my life. If we are not moving towards a better world we are moving towards a worse one.

I believe the vast majority of people are basically good.

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