A Bob Marley Day!!

In a week I will be signing off and taking a break from blogging! In the meantime I aim at making my voice heard. I shall focus on the genius of others! My heroes who stood up and shouted against oppression and inequality.

Bob Marley was one of those. He was prepared to put his life on the block for what he believed. He didn’t pussy-foot around. He was shot for his trouble and he still stood up and told it how he saw it. An inspiration to us all.

The world is alight with a rejuvenated right-wing. Fascists are marching again in Europe and America. The Right-wing extremists have taken power in Britain and the USA and could do so across Europe. White supremacists, Ku Klux Klan and terror groups are rising in power. Women and ethnic minorities are under attack.

Time to stand up and unite!!

4 thoughts on “A Bob Marley Day!!

  1. Yeah the world right now doesn’t seem to be doing so well and white supremacist groups do seem to be gaining more support which is sad but change is always possible. The liberals just need to work harder and fight for what we believe in, for equality and unity.
    I hope your break isn’t very long I’m really going to miss your posts!

    1. Good to hear from you Poog.
      I need a break! I also need to do some serious writing. The blog takes a lot of time and energy and dealing with the negativity from the opponents you unearth takes your energy too! I will have a book or two ready in the summer!
      Might be up to you to carry the fight for fairness and equality forward! Build up your strength and resolve. Read well. Write well and be yourself!!

      1. Yeah blogging takes a lot more energy and time then people think. Best of luck with your books. I’m sure they’ll be amazing as always 🙂
        Haha thanks I’ll try my best 😊

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