Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to One and all.

In the sentiment of unity, celebration and harmony.

To people of any faith and no faith.


As I gather my family around me and enjoy the wonders of loving, caring, giving and receiving in our new home I wish the same happiness for all of you.

To those who have had great losses this year I am thinking about you.

To those who I have angered or wronged I am sorry.

To those who I have offended – well – that’s life. We have to speak our truth as we see it – but not with hatred, animosity or violence.

I wish you all a fruitful, happy new year and hope that despite the many challenges ahead we can find a way to discuss, debate and find a way to make the world a better place for ourselves, humanity and the rest of life on this planet.

All the best

To everyone all over the planet

Opher xxx


I wish you a wonderful celebration with family and friends!


(Yes – even an antitheist can find an excuse to celebrate! There is no religion here just love and sharing.)

8 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!!

  1. Right back at ya, Opher! May it be a magical one as you settle into your new surroundings! Marry Christmas, friend! And a wonderful New Year!

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